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Despite this year’s E3 being as organized as a group of unattended third graders, video game publishers will still find ways to wow audiences and outdo the competion. Then again, considering some of their recent performances, the big show may spell disaster if they don’t get their acts together. Here’s a list of the big players and what we expect from them.

Sony Computer Entertainment America

Strengths: Stellar first party game lineup, huge PS2 fanbase, Blu-ray popularity
Weaknesses: Not enough exclusive games, PlayStation 3 still no. 3 current-gen console

More so than any publisher, SCEA needs to not only win E3, but decimate its opponents. Gamers, especially those contemplating a PlayStation 3 purchase need to see lots of high profile software beyond the upcoming Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and SOCOM Confrontation. Killzone 2, Heavenly Sword and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction need to blow us away. In addition, a redesigned PSP will breathe new life into the portable machine.

At the same time, Sony needs to announce new intellectual properties and sequels for its big-name franchises. A new Tekken, Gran Turismo and a God of War 3 teaser would quell people’s fears. Microsoft will use Halo 3 to drive millions of Xbox 360 sales and Nintendo’s Wii continues to sell extraordinarily well. It’s time for Sony to show face.


Strengths: Halo 3, GTA IV, billions of dollars
Weaknesses: Lack of Japanese support (as in Square Enix)

Halo 3, Halo 3 and more Halo 3. Microsoft will let eager onlookers get their hands on Master Chief’s latest adventure, most likely with a brief taste of the game yet-unseen single player mode. Grand Theft Auto 4 will also cause plenty of buzz, along with Project Gotham Racing 4, Mass Effect, Too Human, BioShock and Xbox Live announcements. An Alan Wake update and more games from Rare would round out the lineup nicely.


Strengths: Turns a profit on relatively cheap technology, champions innovation, Mario
Weaknesses: Difficulty securing quality third party support, stakes success on outdated tech

Aside from Nintendo of America’s President, Reggie Fils-Aime delivering a classic “kick ass and take names”-style speech, we expect the company to tout its DS/Wii sales and show innovative products for both systems. Super Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will hog most headlines but – since Nintendo always saves a surprise announcement at E3 – we expect to hear about Mario Kart Wii and a new Zelda adventure. Weak third party support will stay that way, with Square Enix as the exception. Oh, and company mascot Shigeru Miyamoto will inspire thunderous applause.

Electronic Arts

Strengths: Buckets of cash, big-name game franchises and access to Hollywood talent
Weaknesses: EA Sports games lack innovation, focus more on looks than gameplay

The world’s largest third-party publisher easily bests the competition with a strong lineup of games for all systems. Army of Two, Spore (yet again), and the EA’s sports games score lots of media attention.


Strengths: War-based video games, secures respectable movie licenses
Weaknesses: Games garner major hype, but sometimes fails to deliver the experience players expect (see Red Steel)

Always up to something, Ubisoft will drop a couple of bombs, but this year’s E3 is all about getting in-depth with games, such as Tom Clancy’s EndWar, Splinter Cell: Conviction, America’s Army: True Soldiers and Assassin’s Creed.


Strengths: A growing list of excellent franchises
Weaknesses: Games suffer from sequelitis

The folks at Capcom will demo sequels and spin-offs, showcasing the latest Phoenix Wright, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Street Fighter II HD, plenty of Mega Man games and possibly Dead Rising 2.


Strengths: Metal Gear Solid 4, Dance Dance Revolution, Silent Hill to a lesser extent
Weaknesses: Publishes too many forgettable games

Metal Gear Solid 4 will dominate Konami, along with new Dance Dance games and Silent Hill Origins. In typical fashion, unfortunately, it’ll reveal tons of abysmal looking games that’ll leave us wanting more.

Square Enix

Strengths: Final Fantasy, devout global fan base
Weaknesses: Way too many Final Fantasy games, appeals to niche audience

We hope you love Final Fantasy, because Square Enix will give us hands-on time with Final Fantasy XIII and numerous remakes/sequels for DS, PSP and Wii, among other platforms. RPG fanatics looking for something new should look forward to The Last Remnant.


Strengths: War chest of beloved franchises, Sonic
Weaknesses: Makes poor decisions

Although Sega manages to sell video games (Shadow the Hedgehog went Greatest Hits), we despise the company’s quality control standards. In addition screwing up every one of Sonic the Hedgehog’s new adventures, the company continues to botches other beloved franchises -- Afterburner is latest casualty. We’ll roll into E3 expecting little -- a horrible outlook -- given Sega’s commitment to delivering a Golden Axe sequel and two games based on the Alien films.

Bottom line, we want better games from Sega. NiGHTs, the new Sonic Rush, Golden Axe and Condemned 2 must deliver. We envision Sega will bring a few potential hits, among a group of lackluster games, and NiGHTS won’t be as cool as we desperately want it to be.


Strengths: Two words: Star Wars
Weaknesses: Doesn’t always pump out quality Star Wars adventures, continues to sit on the Indiana Jones franchise

LucasArts will bring a modest lineup to E3, dominated by the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which will receive numerous headlines. We still hope the publisher pulls the curtain back on its next Indiana Jones project.


Strengths: Games based on popular franchises (WWE, Nickelodeon, Pixar)
Weaknesses: Some games feel unfinished

WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2008 headlines THQ’s E3 lineup, but look for the company to unveil lots of Nickelodeon games and a few mature games as well. Perhaps a sequel to the gangster sim, Saints Row?


Strengths: Call of Duty franchise and its ability to secure movie licenses
Weaknesses: Its inability to use those licenses to make quality video games

Look for Activision to wow audiences with Call of Duty 4, Tony Hawk Proving Ground and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, on the other hand, will make us cry.

Thanks for you time.