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padib said:
HollyGamer said:

Because one is exclusive hand made and the other heavily dependant on graphic engine (unreal 4), try to compare Assassins creed Unity with Uncharted 4 graphic, you understand the difference on quality of multyplatform games and exclusive games, still there is nothing bad with Mighty No 9 graphic whatsoever.

I don't think they look bad at all. I just think one looks far superior and much more difficult to make, but I understand what you're saying about the engine.

I think they probably would have had a better time on Unity, I'm not sure UE3 was really optimized for the U. (It's developed on UE3 not 4).

Samus Aran said:

Nope don't know, but TW101 looks a lot better... I really don't know what people see in this game. It's ugly and I mean ugly to the core: the art style is so bland. You can see how many times they re-use assets in the background, it looks like placeholder stuff. Not to mention TW101 is in 3D and has lot's of action on screen. 

People have given Devil's Third a hard time for its graphics, but that game looks a lot better than this even. 

It seems a bit generic, but it's an idie game, aren't you exaggerating a bit?

Nope, I just have high standards because I hate playing games I deem ugly (and weak consoles can create beautiful games, just look at The Minish Cap, Zero Mission or the original Yoshi's Island) The only indie games I'm currently interested in, Yooka-Laylee and Fast Racing Neo, attest to that.