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RenCutypoison said:

If you have a lot of spare money there are 1 handed pad for every console available online.
Otherwise turn per turn RPGs and Visual Novels should be perfect. (Not eroges, you'd need both hands)
Theatrythm Curtain Call on 3DS has a one hand mode. It's so good I feel this was added by a fan of "Broken Goods"(Web novela about an amputee, cries at some point because she used to be good at elite beat agents).

(Telltales games have short action moment where u might need both hands. Also moments where you need one hand to play and one hand to get tissues. Can be very frustrating).

I have Theatrhythm but haven't opened it, but I guess now is the time to play it. That sucks about the Telltale games since they look interesting.

Yeah I read about the one handed PS4 controllers but also read it couldn't be done and aren't available atm. Correct me if I'm wrong