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I've never liked it and still don't.

However, I have gotten used to it and I understand what's going on now. Last gen, if the Tomb Raider deal had been announced, I would have been annoyed. When this first started happening on the 360, no one knew it was timed. No one was allowed to say until one year later, when the PS3 version was announced. Now, it's like, "eh, I can wait."

As for Street Fighter, Capcom does this "one platform at a time" thing that I think is ridiculous. It's their business model.

Regarding DLC, yeah, that really is annoying. I remember after New Vegas, I was so ready for the DLC, but by the time it got a delayed release on PC, I had moved on. I bought it at like 75% off on Steam when I would have bought it full price on Day One if I could have.

However, with DLC, I blame the publishers. My guess is that they're going back and forth between Sony and Microsoft and creating a situation where they're afraid not to invest because their competitor will get it.

As for the games coming from small developers, it's good for them. They're trading limited exclusivity for support and advertising they would not get otherwise. Two minutes on the E3 stage can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's one I don't mind, be it for Sony or Microsoft.