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Blue3 said:
omgwtfbbq said:
Blue3 said:
omgwtfbbq said:
ckmlb said:
omgwtfbbq said:

These companies are eroding your rights and you are calling this GOOD news? Out of some crazy Sony loyalty I assume? You guys are nuts!

It's good news for Sony... Eroding my right to what exactly?

your rights to actually own your media. Your rights to use what you pay for for whatever you want. Your right to get what you pay for.

More specifically, your rights to make a legal backup of your media. Your rights to watch/listen to media on any software/hardware/products rather than just those that Company X approves. Your right to an open source implementation of your media player. The right to know that you don't have spyware/rootkits installed on your computer.

These are just some of the rights you are cheering the removal of.

how about the right of intelligence.

You know it has DRM, you know what to expect. Using ignorance as an excuse to later on whine about it is pathetic.

What the hell is your point? I'm serious here, I don't really understand what you're saying about "right of intelligence". Are you insinuating that I am unintelligent because I think it's ridiculous to cheer people attempting to take away your rights? Basically, would it be unintelligent for me to argue with someone who says "Good news everybody! The American Government has taken away the population's right to free speech! Now they can put people they don't like in jail and then they'll be able to increase productivity through fear!". I'm sorry I can't cheer the removal of rights.

I know it has DRM, that's why I don't buy anything with DRM. Most people are ignorant, and purchase it anyway, meaning that it becomes the standard format and the only way I can get "unprotected" movies is by pirating them. I'm not using ignorance later to whine about it. I am saying now BEFORE people buy into this crap that they shouldn't. It appears YOU'RE the one that purchased into this technology, so you'll be the one bitching later when you get bitten in the arse by it.

Since you clearly know about the pitfalls, then you're the one who appears to be lacking intelligence from my side.

Its their product, they can add what ever the hell they want. They can make what ever they want, they can put any restricions they want on it.

If customers dont like it they wont buy it and it will fail, forcing them to change it.

They sure as hell are not taking away any of your rights, its YOUR choice to buy it or not. A person buying means they agree and accpet the terms of the product.

how would it bite me in the ass, i cant copy it ?

 That's why I'm sticking to standard DVDs for now.  As long as I still have another option to get the same content, then your right, I don't have to buy it.  When the studios eventually stop putting content onto standard DVDs, then there will be an issue for me.