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Samus Aran said:
Hynad said:

Instead of trying to understand the reasons behind the porting trouble, it is obviously better to jump to hasty conclusions and bash the game and its developer.


Have you seen the game? I've seen better looking kickstarter projects with 1/10th of the money raised.

Even the gameplay is quite bland and boring. I played a couple of levels from this game and if this is what Mega Man is like than I'm glad I never played a Mega Man game.

How many projects does Inafune have currently? I doubt all that money went on the game alone. Making anime games from unproven KS games is just one big WTF.

With you, you've made it clear throughout the years that everything looks like crap (or is worse, one way or an other) when it's not made by Nintendo or exclusive to their consoles. 

So forgive me if I don't give more importance to what you think about that kind of things.

Here, you take for granted that the way the graphics look should mean the game should have no problem being ported to the Wii U. But obviously, the graphics isn't what's holding it back, since it's also coming to the 360 and PS3. So obviously, the problems they had is with the architecture of the console. Maybe they simply lack expertise with it, or maybe they're trying to use its features and it gave them problem keeping the performance to a certain level... Who knows. But the way you jump at them, and simply trash the developers and the game is rather typical of you.

Bash now, try to understand something later. Right?