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As a child (like 6 or 7 years old) I had a bit on xenophobia. There was a black kid in my class, and I was sort of becoming friends with him, but when he asked me to come to his house, the thought of his parents absolutely terrified me, purely because they weren't white.

When I first went to University, I came across Muslims for the first time. One girl, in my year, I was actually scared of for a while, but we actually ended up becoming good friends, and I still keep in contact with her from time to time - basically the only person from University that I do.

To clarify, I wasn't scared of "terrorism" or anything, but women of that ethnic persuasion are portrayed in the media as being quite aggressive, usually an overbearing mother, short-tempered, etc. I was genuinely scared that I could say something that'd set her off in a fit of rage.

Probably other instances, too, but none I can think of. I now live in a country where I am a minority race, and I see people being scared of me from time-to-time, probably because white folk here are mainly arseholes (a lot of bankers). I don't really find it offensive, fear is an irrational, instinctual thing. We survived against nature and thrived because of our instincts.

For me, it only becomes offensive once people take it past that instinctual level and act rationally in a racist manner.