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Parokki said:
ckmlb said:

Holiday lineup. How many of those are Holiday games? Lemme help you out. Check your revised list. Now check that list, does that look anywhere near as pormising as the 360 or PS3 list? Outside of the 2 big Nintendo games?

No they don't look good to you because you've already decided you're not getting a Wii, and nothing on it will interest you. It's the same with me and the PS3, as I don't give a crap for any of the PS3 exclusives except for MGS4, and that's almost certain to go multiplat if the PS3 doesn't make a miracle recovery. I'm vaguely interested in new Xbox 360 titles because I have a few friends who own the system and I'm getting it myself some day, but that's about it. Any half-way decent Wii game? OH YES!

That's the way it works. People are excited by games on their own system, but care much less for systems they don't own, or even own but don't like much.

For me there's at least 5 must buy Wii titles this year, so I'm actually happy the third parties are still busy polishing their work. =P

He does have a Wii, but PLEASE stop this flame war.  It's taking away from the purpose fo this topic, which is to show off the new game and discuss it.

Back on topic, I never said this was the Wii's God of War, I just said it looked similar to God of War (i.e., beat-em-up hack and slash game with a whiping weapon).  These last couple days have been great news for Nintendo.  This game, Contra IV, and now Sonic RPG.  It's good to own a DS and Wii :)