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Alright, I'm not here to type a whole review for this game I'm just giving my two cents on the 360 version's multiplayer.

First off I didn't really expect too much from multiplayer GTA4.


Played it and was thoroughly unimpressed. Deathmatch, FFA, Racing,etc. is total crap, especially with the unskilled lock-on targeting.

Don't like the camera and controls while driving.


Graphics are even less impressive(From what I hear virtually the same as PS3 version). COD4 absolutely shits on it.


IMO for the fact some Wii games have been rated so high some reviewers rated this game even higher in a "Oh yea? Well Look what we get to play on 360/PS3" fashion.   (COUGH IGN)


In conclusion, some games just shouldn't have multiplayer. Ya, I'm looking at you God Of War 3.