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Lot of people say that next sony console wont be running at 4k, but I think it will.

If you look at current high end GPUS, they can run 4k average games at high settings (not ultra with MSAA, but high). Next AMD Nano will be faster than R9 290X. So It will run games at 4k medium settings. 

At the time of lauch, PS4 run like a HD 7850 mid range card. And that is like the best GPU from 2009-2010. A
HD 7850 allows games at 1080p 30 fps medium-high settings. A littel behind a R9 270X. Same thing with PS4. Runs games at 1080p medium PC settings. 

The thing is, if sony makes a console in 2018-2019, they will be able to put AMD Nano performance (2015 - 175W) into a PS5 (2019-100W). So it will be able to run games at 4k 30 fps medium settings. (with current games quality).

There is a lot of stuff that will add performance. HMB memory, shirks to 16 or 14 nm, faster designs. So, they can make it to 4k.