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makingmusic476 said:

What about the parts about them play-testing multiplayer long before even GDC 2007 (Februray 2007)?

And you're acting as if the first had horrible gameplay. The first was knocked primarily for it's graphical glitches (omg the texture pop-in was horrible) and it's brain dead AI. I'll make the hefty assumption that the graphical glitches will be a thing of the past, and they've stated that they are focusing heavily on improving the AI, as they know it was a chief complaint with the original (they state this in the GameSpot developer walkthrough, I believe, though it may have been IGN's or GT's). Killzone Liberation even had much improved AI compared to the original, and it was a PSP game.

There's a reason KZ1's online was so popular compared to it's campaign, and it wasn't because the gameplay was crap.

And, imo, it's the impressive visuals combined with awesome death animations that will make the gameplay more immersive and fun than it was before.

Will the gameplay be excellent? I can't say, but it has a higher likelihood of being excellent than being below average. And I know it won't be "horrible beyond the point of return" like Surfer Girl said.

I guess we will wait and see then.  You seem to think that I believe Killzone 2 will be horrible, and I do not.  I just think that given the failings of the original, the constant 'pushing back' of 'assumed' release periods (as you don't like the word 'delay' ) and the trappings that come with a rapid expansion of the development team's size, there is a lot of clear doubt as to whether this will be the AAA title that Sony claims it will be.

I forsee a decent, low-to-mid eighties shooter, with passable online and full marks for graphics. 


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