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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
The 3 biggest 3rd party games this holiday (COD, AC, and Star Wars [both Infinity and Battlefront]) are ALL going to get PS4 saturation bombing advertisement. Couple with unique downloadable games, Until Dawn, Tearaway, and Uncharted Trilogy and you've got yourself one big Fall with all months and demographics covered.

This holiday will be very interesting with MS's typical ad blitz, Halo, Forza (every year so not that big a boost probably), Tomb Raider, and something I think I'm forgetting (didn't they have some other exclusive coming Sep-Dec?) and their huge discounts (already have huge bundles even though we're in the Summer) vs. all that PS4 momentum, third party ads supporting PS4, and possible $50 price cut (at least better bundles than last year)

huh? not even close

including 2 million xbox one bundles and last gen ac:rogue, the game was only the 6. best selling game of 2015
ac will be lucky to make it into the top 10 this year ;)