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generic-user-1 said:
mornelithe said:

Mitt Romney's father used public aid, setup by Congress (100K fund) when they fled Mexico in 1912, obviously before the family made it big.  But, that's really the argument behind the State/Fed assisting those in need.  If done properly, it helps enable people to get back on their feet after a catastrophic life event.

“[George Romney] was on welfare relief for the first years of his life. But this great country gave him opportunities,” Lenore Romney said in the video, which apparently dates back to George Romney’s 1962 run for governor of Michigan."

thats 30 years before mitt was born... 

Yeah and?  It may have been stated poorly, but the Romney family, did indeed use public funds when they fled Mexico.  Nothing wrong with it either, that's what those kinds of safety nets are designed for.