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sabvre42 said:

Obama is a terrible president.

Obamacare is not all kittens and rainbows like the left proclaims. Yes people are covered that weren't before. But, the implementation is awful.
1.) When you give something to some people (particularly the uneducated) for free, people abuse the system. They literally do not care about costs and will not shop around (circumventing supply and demand). I literally know an illegal family that gets medical assistance and took their baby (yes illegals qualify for MA in the case of pregnancy and their kids are citizens) to the ER for 1 day of not pooping.
2.) Those of us that actually pay for insurance have seen our rates sky rocket, while our coverage goes down.

3.) Unless it's single payer, even the poor need to cost share on a sliding scale system. There is a reason HSAs are so popular... they are cheaper because people are responsible. 




its not the left, its the centre. left leaning people dont want a capitalistic healthcare system that ust helps big corperations.

1. going shopping for healthcare? that musst realy suck if you feels sick...   and people dont abuse the system, your system just doesnt work.

2. that happens when you let the capitalists run the system...

3. or maybe learn from europe? state regulating and social medical systems are working just fine, and they are cheaper too.

and the people feel better with it.