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I love MK Wii, but I think it does have some major flaws:

1) In multiplayer racing the names above every racer serves only to distract me and block what little screen I have to myself after it has been divided into four. I don't care who is ahead of me I just want to get past them. Its only function is in team racing and even there they could have made the karts red or blue.

2) Battle mode is really lame. Maybe its just because I am so use to MK 64, but I hate the scoring system instead of just taking out the balloons. Granted I have only played a little battle mode, maybe it will grow on me.

3) I hate the cloud weapon. I always get it when I am by myself and end up getting shrunk. Why the hell did them make it? Aren't weapons suppose to help you, not hurt you?

4) There are too many damn weapons that effect everyone. Now we have lightning, pow and the ink thing. With 12 racers one of these things is happening about every five seconds. It gets really irritating.

Even with all these problems I would still choose it any day over GTA IV. I have no problem with people that love the game, but I always have the same experience with GTAs. I run around killiong people and stealing cars for like 45 minutes until that gets boring. Then I try the missions and get bored of that before I finish the first one.

^Guy pissing on Microsoft Sign