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They need to buck the trend and make a console that sells enough for Nintendo software to make a profit. The Wii U will be the first main nintendo console to be a financial failure. There's no reason to bail now though, the next year will probably be the most profitable part of the Wii U's lifespan when the largest amount of users are active. It won't get back most of the money but they should make a profit up until NX.
They need to make a console more like the gamecube in that it's easy to program for and can handle the ports of other systems. They can add their gimmick but don't make it so expensive like the Wii U gamepad, the 3DS overcame the fact that people didn't care that much about 3D because it wasn't that expensive to add 3D.

Most importantly don't sell the hardware at much of a loss, maybe a tiny loss.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X