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I disagree, even with their worst selling console in decades Nintendo is not losing much or any money this generation overall because of the 3DS

I would prefer them to do well next generation, but Nintendo is a very stubborn company and if you think they are going to stop developing consoles/hardware simply due to one or 2 bad generations I think that's naive to predict

if they didn't have a ton of cash in the bank I would agree, but they do. the only way Nintendo disappears as a hardware maker is if they did absolutely abysmal for a few generations which is unlikely

possibly Nintendo will only do handhelds in the future though if the next console fails

it's hard to cut them into such a precarious spot when they have more money reserves (by a landslide) than the dominant Playstation Sony currently (who is probably still in debt)

Nintendo will likely be fine next generation anyway, they just need to streamline their system. more than enough fans (hardcore and casual) of their brands and IPS for them not to succeed