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JWeinCom said:
It's quite amazing how Christians (and I know it's not all of them and not even most, but a significant portion) view giving people more freedom as an affront to their religious rights.

Your religious rights end at you. You have the right to believe what you like, and do what you like, until that right limits what another can do. If you want to pray 5 times a day facing Mecca, go for it. If you want to force other people to pray five times a day facing Mecca, you can't. If you want to not drive on Saturday, by all means don't. If you want to prevent other people from driving on Saturday, you can't. If you want to hate gay people, then go ahead. If you want to limit their rights, (or stone them to death as the Bible suggests) then you can't.

Your religious freedom does not include the freedom to oppress. And for those harping on about state rights, keep in mind that's the same argument that was used to support slavery. The big bad federal government can't take away my right to oppress people.

Religion is about determining morals and ethics. To tell people what is right and what is wrong. If you don't like that then you should just outlaw all religious practice and give in to the profane. That's exactly what is happening in EU and NA. The profane is becoming a unified anti-religious umbrella of leftist ideologies. The rainbow is its flag. 

I'm listening to wise moslem clerics lecture on homosexuality. What some of them are saying is people generally don't like to be told what they are doing is wrong. This is exactly what happened in Sodom. The profane became culture and the people became obstinate. 

Allahu Akbar!