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"The visual return is easy to see; on PS4 the game runs at a full native 1920x1080 resolution many hoped would be the standard this generation. It's perhaps not the crispest example of a full-HD game, owing to its heavy post-process anti-aliasing, and a film grain filter - but the visibility of Gotham's city-line is all the clearer for running at this pixel count. Pop-in is something that flares up from time-to-time, but overall the game looks gorgeous in motion and rarely shows its rough edges."

"On Xbox One, every single effect and detail carries directly across from the Sony release. Texture mapping is identical, and in terms of asset streaming there are only minor variances between the two versions when it comes to texture pop-in. However, it's a familiar scenario in the resolution stakes, and we get an upscaled 1600x900 on Xbox One that causes more pixel-crawl on distant buildings than we see on PS4. This is accentuated by Arkham Knight's post effects - the same gamut of filters as seen on PS4 - where a chromatic aberration pass heightens the effect of pixel-crawl in brightly-lit areas."

"Xbox One's performance profile is very similar to its visual divide when compared to PS4; it's close, but falls shy in certain regards. The worst dips we see from either are at the 26fps mark when first driving the Batmobile. Tearing is invoked here, but this settles down within a second on both platforms, and play unfolds without any major issues from there. For the majority of the time, PS4 and Xbox One are neck-and-neck at 30fps, but both are prone to minor hiccups with fast movements across the city."

"The PC's dire situation may cast a shadow over its launch, but the fact remains that Arkham Knight is an exceptional release on console. It also says a lot about Rocksteady's assessments of PS4 and Xbox One when designing the game, having laid out the game's blueprint well before truly knowing either console's specs. In the end, it's a superb release whether you go with Microsoft or Sony's hardware - though the preference is with the clarity of PS4's 1080p output. Also weighing in the slightly smoother performance overall when gliding through Gotham's streets, it's fair to say this is the technical champ of the two."


Except for 1080p and better framerate the PS4 and Xbone version are identical...

PC version... well it is better forget it.