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Mr Puggsly said:
MoHasanie said:
By the looks of it, it sounds like they want to bring all their exclusives games to PC and mobile as well, making the purchase of an X1 useless.

Lets say hypothetically every X1 exclusive comes to PC. X1 still has the advantage of being a cheaper device than a gaming PC. Also, X1 doesn't become less entertaining because those same enjoyable games are else where.

Anyhow, I doubt we'll be seeing heavy hitters on X1 coming but I'm all for it it happening eventually. Windows brings in more money than Playstation and Xbox combined. Don't be surprised if MS gives WIndows better support.

People won't see the point in buying a $350 machine to play games they can play on a pc or even their mobile. They would rather just buy a PS4, which is what most people are doing these days anyways. 

X1 is still fun to play on, but it doesn't have many selling points or advantages compared to the PS4. You'd think MS would realize that their struggling console needs exclusive exclusives and not just console exclusives to start selling better. But yes, as you said, MS cares about money, and bringing their games to other platforms will earn them lots more money then just keeping them on the X1. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54