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The truth is that no company in the console market is in a confortable position right now. Sales are lower than last generation and nobody knows for sure if someday they will be up again year-to-year.

Ok, the PS4 is selling better than the PS3, but this is only happening because the first two years of the PS3 were terrible. How long will its sales keep the current status? And the 3ds sales?

The problem with Nintendo is that they are not pushing development for the WiiU as they should. 3DS became a success after a price cut, several launches of traditional Nintendo franchises and some good surprises (Kid Icarus Uprising, Luigi´s Mansion, etc.). As for the WiiU they´re focusing on Mario or Mario-related games - with very few exceptions - DK, Pikmin, Kirby, Wii Fit and now Starfox.

They should take a few risks and develop other franchises like Animal Crossing, Metroid, Pokemon (even if it´s just a spinoff, like Pokken), Excitebike, Punch-Out, Fire Emblem, Rhythm Heaven, Sin & Punishment..... we all saw those franchises in proper form on the Wii, why not on the WiiU? That would not only please its fans but also keep their reputation as a good developer.

Right now, their situation is dissapoiting.