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Aeolus451 said:
johnsobas said:
i just want to hear an argument about how the death sentence has any benefit other than "it's right" and "it makes people feel better." Why should we care what the killer is doing when he is no threat and killing him has no benefit?

Well if america would  put to death in a expedited fashion all of the molesters, raptists, serial killers, mass murderers, violent gang bangers and repeat violent criminals (as in muggers, robbers, home invaders), it would improve the quality of life there. The prisons would be less crowded and they could actually rehabillitate/educate the criminals that are in prison for the less serious crimes.

Less crime overall, lots of money saved and it would actually prevent or deter alot of serious crime. Molesters and serial killers will keep doing it until they are caught or dead. Molesters are caught usually after they molested over 20 kids and as punishment they are typically given a slap on the hand (a few years). It's cheaper to just kill them and it ultimately serves justice in the best way. 

The justice system and how they go about executions needs to be changed in order to swiftly catch, put to trial fairly but quickly and punish severely all who are found guilty of serious crimes. 

What are your thoughts on europe/usa?

europe punishes their criminals much, much less, but still has much lower crime rates, and barely any repeated acts. (Governments work alot on reintegrating even the worst, succesfully).

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