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IMO this will be the first time that "power doesn't matter" for Nintendo. We are still a while away from 4k and despite rhetoric, both Sony and MS will make as much/for long as they can, off PS4XB1. I expect 2020 for their next gen and a new resolution. standard for home cons.

So if 1080p 60/30 for 3rd parties is the side-goal I think Ninty can easily meet that requirement in 2017, at the arbitrary PS4 level without having to mention "high end specs" (an absurd notion).

The whole Fusion idea is about Nintendo supporting itself, and if there's enough horsepower then 3rd parties can provide the bonus content, if the NX builds a large enough install base with demand.

I expect at minimum a 500+ gflop HH, and 1-2 tflop range for home console. Wii U launched too late to enjoy 3rd party multiplt success, but if they launch in 2017 they will have 2-3 yrs easily. Again, this will be the first time power doesn't matter, b/c the new standard is a while away and nintendo will be more self reliant than ever in terms of sw ("fusion"). The power will be a bonus for NX at this point in time, its really about content features and services IMO. Nintendo has plenty of time to get all that right so I'm confident NX will be nintendo's next big hit.