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rocketpig said:
If this is true, I have one thing to say...


If KZ2 doesn't release in 2008, it will mark the second year Sony enters a holiday season with a shotgun full of blanks. R2 should be good but honestly, it won't do shit compared to Gears. LBP is a niche game. I'll play them both but it's hard to get too excited about either one when you look at some of the offerings coming to the Wii and 360 during the same season.

C'mon, lets be reasonable here pig. No one knows how LBP is going to turn out, and the style of gameplay is aimed towards BOTH the casual market and core market, calling it a niche game would be the exact opposite of what Media Molecule is trying to accomplish. There are also plently of good games left for Sony for this upcomming holiday season, i don't see how Killzone2 (a game thats already hated by many people) would be enough reason to call Sony's holiday season a "shotgun full of blanks". There's R2 as you mentioned, Socom, Tekken6, The Agency, Motorstorm 2 and possibly Imfamous and WKC....not to mention many consumers would probably really consider BluRay as a incentive for getting a PS3. With GeOW and Fable(bleh) headlining the 360's lineup, I personally don't see how someone would be any less excited about the PS3's lineup.... and the Wii's holiday lineup can only be discribed as.. TBA.

OT: I think it's likely that Sony is pulling alot of financial support from Guerilla and KZ2 developement after realizing that it may get to a point where they can't make their money back. If that's the case then Guerilla may have some tough times finishing the rest of the game with a much smaller cast and reduced budget support.