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Give the reasons why you weren't into the franchise, and how you got into it. I'll give two examples of my own.

Grand Theft Auto: This was a series that I couldn't get into, mainly because my parents would not let me play it (it seemed to be the only game they wouldn't let me play), so I kind of envied the game when I heard others talking about how good it was and I wasn't able to play, to the point where I bashed the game to myself. However, not that I'm 17 I can play the game and the games actually look fun to me, and the storylines seem interesting to me.

And an even bigger example for me.

Resident Evil: I first saw others play Resident Evil 5 and 6, and I didn't get into the game. I wondered what the talk about it being creepy was. That waws until I saw gameplay for the PS1 Resident Evil games, and soon, I really started liking those games and now I am waiting an Asian import for the physical Resident Evil HD Remaster, and want to play the other games after.