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pleaserecycle said:
Honestly? I don't read any of Reggie's quotes from these articles as arrogant or anti-competitive. He never said that it was terrible to introduce games 4-5 years before they're released. He said that it's not a standard Nintendo procedure. He never said that virtual reality is bad. He said that it didn't seem like fun. He never said that Nintendo was better than Sony or Microsoft. He said that the PS4 and Xbox One lacked exclusives. Of course, when the title of an article states that he "slams" another console, it's emotionally charging his quote before the viewer has a chance to read it.

Thank you for the proper perspective. What these armchair CEO's fail to see is how difficult it is to run in a highly competitive field and what Reggie is doing is SELLING Nintendo. This idea that he should be complimentary to the competition is just plain sillyness. As a matter of fact, if Reggie were to compliment Sony, for example, the headlines would scream REGGIE CONCEDES DEFEAT!! REGGIE AKNOWLEDGES SONYS SUPERIORITY!! etc. So essentially he cannot win. But plain old business dictates to attempt to MINIMIZE the competition, especially when you struggling to keep up. Also, Reggie does not make decisions regarding game development. Understand this people! I thought this was fairly common knowledge by now but Japan runs the show 100% Reggie is the American face of the company.

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