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Tbone said:


I was blown away by the announcement. I played FF7 when it first came out in 1997 and it was the first RPG I ever played. First game that showed me how powerful games could be as a storytelling and cinematic medium and I really do credit it into making me the gamer I still am today. I really thought this was never going to exist after all those comments from the devs saying it wasn't happening and how it would take too long to make... or they wanted to, but not until another Final Fantasy game passed FF7 in quality (or sales? or both?). I gave up hope.

It's happening!! Now I just hope they don't screw it up. I'd like them to fix a few things in the translation and most importantly keep the battle sytem like the original active time battle system. Maybe have it so that if you're fast enough in the menu's you can stop an enemy mid-attack while they were running up to you (like in FFX-2). I don't really want to see a FFXV style battle system, but I have a feeling this is the direction they are heading.  Would like to see things like skipable summons (FF8 had this) so you aren't forced to watch a near minute long Knights of the Round over and over. Would like to see early summons like Ifret and Shiva be worthy of using later in the game, if you level them up as they became too weak too early on. Finally add lots of extra missions and story content while staying true to the original. I heard a long time ago quite a few things were cut from the script into the final game. Add those back if they can. Add new materia combinations and status boosts. Add a harder difficulty setting, possibly more bosses as challenging as Ruby and Emerald weapon. And finally I'm torn on this one, but it would be nice to be able to bring a certain someone back to life post game. This was one of the rumored things cut from the script. Not sure if it's true. But then again the death of this main character makes the game so much more impactful. I can't think of another game that killed off a main character that you cared about as much.

Sony hands down won E3 for me by throwing a phoenix down, down on stage and resurrecting one of my favorite games of all time.  Now I just gotta wait until probably 2017 at the earliest. Or with SquareEnix recent track history 2018... 2019, 2020... hopefully not that long. Seems like SquareEnix was lost last gen and their success has been tied to PlayStation ever since the PS1 when they were an RPG producing machine. Now that PS4 is so successful and easy to develop for out of the gate it looks like they are willing to make a lot more games for Sony and get back to their roots. Wonder how long FF7 will be a PlayStation exclusive?