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DerNebel said:
enlightenedmaster said:
DerNebel said:
Geez, nobody is going to read all that, but going through your predicted release schedule there are some things you mention twice and others that are just so completely out there that I have difficulty believing that you're serious about them.

my list is pretty damn easily believable and i am perfectly serious about my predictions

That Sucker Punch magically has a second studio when they downsized significantly after Second Son and said that they are a one game studio and that even if they had they would be able to release a new IP next year and a new Infamous after that

That Evolution is making Motorstorm after being tasked with working on Driveclub as a service

That Rockstar would make GTA timed exclusive to the PS4

That Naughty Dog would manage to release 5 games in the next 5 years (are you out of your mind?)

are all things that are completely out of the realm of possibilites.

Sucker Punch had a in-studio 2nd team working on a 2nd New IP but i didn't follow gaming so closely from 2012-2014 so you cud know better

though they are still working on a new IP

i Delayed Infamous and New IP dates as SONY have alot next year and they don't wanna crowd that


i did include MOTORSTOM and DRIVECLUB will have a sequel


GTA 6 is almost surely coming as TIMED Exclusive to PS4 with SONY-ROCKSTAR past and SONY revival

NAUGHTY DOG at the moment seems to be SONY's No.1 studio and with the success both UNCHARTED and LAST OF US have had and their studio expansion,those games will come.


most things i mentioned were quite easily possible and we might have a few more suprises