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Come on don´t panic.

1. Nintendo doesn´t need to compete in that regard, they don´t need to have the most powerfull machine, they need enogh quantity and variety of games on their system, if this system is an hybrid then the number of first party games for NX are gonna be huge, if you combine the efforts Nintendo make to support its handheld and homeconsole on a single console, that would be pretty great, and it could even survive without a huge third party support. In order to have more third party support NX doesn´t even need to be as powerfull as Ps4, it just need to have an x86 architecture an be close to its rivals to have part of the third party support that the others have.

2. When Miyamoto says "we are not interested i n High End specs" is he talking about high end specs on 2013?.... or high end specs on 2016/2017 when the console is released? Because honestly now in 2015 PS4 is very far from being a "high end" machine, so that sentence would make sense even if WiiU is way more powerfull than Ps4.