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after almost a month of no gaming, I've finally been able to play regularly again. Got the platinum for Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship edition. I found it to be much easier than the first time, from what I've read it sounds like the nerfed one of the bosses, that being able to activate intensio made other fights and bosses much easier. The orbs weren't as hard this time around and in fact you can fly before the game is over because of the extra orb, making several platforming sections no longer a challenge and puzzle. I still enjoying it, I just wasn't expecting easier.

Soon I'll be getting my 5,000th trophy. I'm thinking of what I want it to be. Since I'm at 4,994 I need to decide soon. I'm thinking the platinum for LBP or TLOU. If TLOU I'd have to do all the multiplayer trophies and, all the optional conversations, so another play through as well. LBP I'd just need to get party person and I'd get the plat.

edit: has to be lbp the dlc trophies in TLOU would push me to far