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A long time ago in 1998 I was lent 3 video games by my friends who found out I just bought a new very expensive computer. The games where: Total Annihilation, Starcraft, and Final Fantasy 7 for the PC. I started with Total Annihilation for hours and didn't touch the rest until I remember a PSX commercial for FF7 where it called the protagonist a "Soldier of Fortune" and had FMV of Cloud escaping a building with a motorcycle. That made me put down Total Annihilation to never again pick up both of those RTS Games until had beaten and sunk in over 100+ hours on FF7.

The game was like a virtual interactive novel for me, and not only that, It had plot twists that my 17 year old mind never saw coming. It was a ride that I'll treasure forever. The plot twist at Nibelheim was what cemented me as a fan of the series.

Time has been harsh on the graphics and translation, but the game does not need a remake. I actually am dreading the decision that they took, but that still won't stop from buying it day one. Damn you Square, you best not change the ending. Cloud & Tifa forever!!

Edited for grammar.