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Nogamez said:
Yep really. Game cube had 3rd party, solid games and successful new IP's sold 22million and made a small profit. How is it not moderatelybsuccesful? Whereas wii sold a shit ton, made a ton off money, appealed mainly to grandmas and parents. Most of its IP's are dead see wii fit wii sport. And it pretty much destroyed Nintendo rep as a serious alternative to PS/Xbox. To me thats a failure.

So you judge Nintendo's success by whether other companies are reasonable (by the way, most 3rd party titles skipped Gamecube, too - most of Gamecube's third-party games were either the ones required by agreement to be released on all systems, like Madden, or games Nintendo directly made deals for - and many of those still ended up on other systems, like Resident Evil 4), whether the games were good (and yet, you don't consider Wii's games to be solid? Really? Seriously? I want you to think carefully before answering, after considering the Zeldas, Mario Galaxy, Smash, Metroid Prime 3, and others), and "successful new IPs" (you mean like Wii Sports? And which successful new IP was born on the Gamecube? Pikmin? It's not Animal Crossing, which only became successful on the DS, and it's not Battalion Wars, which is a minor IP at best).

I find it funny that you describe its IPs as "dead". Wii Sports Club is primarily a digital download thing now, as is Wii Fit U, so you really aren't seeing much by way of sales numbers for those. Meanwhile, Xenoblade Chronicles is looking pretty damn big.

But hey, you didn't like the Wii, therefore Nintendo ruined their reputation. Right?