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You forgot to add "most gamers between 16-24 hate this console" While the rest of the gaming world seemed to be perfectly fine with it, or learned to like it with time. It's pretty hard for the "core gamer" (read anti-social human) to accept that the Wii was such a succesful device, despite it's below par graphics for the generation it was in.

I think it's more of the social bubble that people in that above age demographic struggle with - they think they are the core of the world, but when you hit 25 (in most cases), you realize that you are an insignificant speck in this world, and that what you thought you knew, was actually simple arrogance, and that you really don't know much of anything. This will continue as you continue to age and eventually seek the answers and realize that the crowd mentality (read console war fanboys) is actually quite destructive.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey