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Aielyn said:
Nogamez said:
Gamecube- unique discs unique look. Moderate success

Wii- totally unique makes Nintendo billions. Complete failure as it has cost Nintendo there reputation as a GAMES console. Most gamers hate this console.

You claim that Gamecube was "moderate success" while Wii was "complete failure" and "most gamers hate" Wii? Really?

Yep really. Game cube had 3rd party, solid games and successful new IP's sold 22million and made a small profit. How is it not moderatelybsuccesful? Whereas wii sold a shit ton, made a ton off money, appealed mainly to grandmas and parents. Most of its IP's are dead see wii fit wii sport. And it pretty much destroyed Nintendo rep as a serious alternative to PS/Xbox. To me thats a failure.