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oh easy

2005- I had a gamecube and that was awesome (6y old)
2008-At this point I had a PS2, DS, Gameboy and a PSP so the concept of fanboy didn't really exist for me (9y old)
2010-I bought a Wii and got buyers Wiimorse instantly-I still thought Nintendo was amazing (11y old)
2012- Bought a Wii U for Zelda and entered this very Nintendo centric comunity so I wouldn't feel bad about my purchase (13y old)
2013-I was a fanboy
2014-I grew up and stopped being a huge baby, bought a Vita and started looking at the other consoles, that Nintendo centric comunity now is unbearable at times.(15y old)
2015-Buying a PS4 later this year, and after that turd of an E3(and Nintendo just saying "fuck the Wii U") I'm not really feeling happy with the big N. (16y old)