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enlightenedmaster said:
Rafie said:

What proves your point?

that every time the second biggest SONY franchise comes out on consoles,it has broken record and the expectations for UNCHARTED 4 are the same.just because its a very good looking makes it WOW but its not what hardcore fans are expecting

It's not what YOU'RE expecting. I think your own poll shows that most of us here, and others, think the game's graphics look stunning.

Also, whether you believe it is or not, The Order is definitely one of the best looking games so far. My opinion is shared with the majority of gamers as well. Graphically, of course.

one of the best...........sure but the best............its pretty comparable to many other games this generation not saying it isn't very very good looking.

Name a game it's comparable to. I can only think of one.

Bad is....welll bad! I don't even know how to respond to that. If someone sad your face looks pretty "bad". How else would you interpret that?!

well if CRYSIS 4 came out and it didn't become the best looking game,wouldn't you say it is pretty bad.

CRYSIS 4 wouldn't be compared to any game but its history and its expectations.odn't you know the meaning of expectations?

No I would never say it looks bad. If a game looks good...then it looks good. Sunset Overdrive look gorgeous. Just because it's not graphically better than Uncharted 4 doesn't mean Sunset Overdrive looks bad. You might want to find more suitable words to get your points across. I know the meaning of expectation. You obviously have a different interpretation.

Capcom's business practices are bad. How would you gauge that?! Jake's car is in bad shape. Again, how would you look at that? Bad is bad. I can't believe you choose to argue that.

bad is not horrendus,capcoms buisness practives could be horrendus or totally cut-throat.bad is the basic word to describe not good.i don't know what dictionary did you grow up with but bad it is pretty normal day use word

You're missing the point. Also, I just gave you examples of the word "bad". Don't attempt to insult my intelligence by throwing jabs. There are quite a few responses to you from others educating you on the same thing. I've already made my point. Bad is bad. If you're using it as an expression, then that would be something else. Like saying something is "bad-ass". However, this isn't that. Look at the majority of the responses to you. You are saying that UC4 graphics are bad, when it's not. I'm not arguing your opinion about why you believe it. I believe it's a poor choice of words on your part.

Lastly,  I said "CLEARLY", not "bad" normally means "without a shadow of a doubt". Read my post again.

yes when you compare the best GRAPHICS on CONSOLE game after game,it is clearing not up to its expectations is what i meant.i just exaggerated a bit.even that is pretty much done in normal conversation.

it i wanted to bash UNCHARTED 4 then i would use it stunk or it was shit and amateur but i din't go anywhere near those words

That's all you had to say. You certainly exaggerated and could have used better words. That's all I was saying. You could have said it was lacking, then explained in the OP on why it was lacking. I would have never said anything. To say it's bad is just...idk. Obviously it's your opinion. Like my replies are mine. I'm not attacking you. I just wanted to know why.

I've responded in italics.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron