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enlightenedmaster said:

Now i am a big fan of Uncharted series,the gameplay,graphics,story,etc and am very excited about Uncharted 4 but when i saw the SONY E3 2015 gameplay of Uncharted 4,i was a bit underwhelmed.I was expecting much much more on the grphics scale.

Even when Uncharted 1 was first released and became a sleeper hit,when i first watched the triler,i didn't get suprised by graphics everybody was talking about but when I played the game,I understood.

Uncharted has  mixture of art graphics and realism and physics and its gameplay helps make it feel very realistic.Every iteration of Uncharted on whichever platofrm it has been realised has to come define than platform as a game and for its graphics and polish and has always been touted as the best graphics on consoles.


Now when i saw the E32014 reveal of Uncharted,the gameplay was not there just a CGI trailer so i didn't expect anything and didn't get WOW'd but expecting much more in terms of gameplay physics and realistic graphics.They SONY released a gameplay footage later in the year of Uncharted and again i wasn't really WOWd'd really and then they released gameplay footage at this years E3.

Analysing the E3 2015 footage,there are a couple of things.First is Polishing of graphics which just isn't there.The graphics aren't even smooth and shiny like i was expecting,they were bland.The only thing that came out to be great is theat it is a free-roam and populated world which shows how nicely its engineered.The graphics and physics are also very good as always in Uncharted games but they really really need to up the graphics polish otherwise it will have a difficult time recapturing it BEST GRAPHICS on Consoles Throne which many games since then have toppled.


DICE's Battlefield 4 and Battlefront and Killzone Shadow Fall looked by far the best photo-realistic graphics there are.

GTA5 and Infamous Second Son come close.

'They need to up THEIR game' :P

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.