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#7 is so true for racing games. Having no splitscreen killed Motorstorm. On the other hand cramming in a splitscreen/Coop mode for games that are not made for it is bullshit. It would be bullshit for GTA.

#6. Thou shalt not pad the length of your games.

I disagree with that. I like my games to have a decent length. If the basic game mechanic is fun I have no problem with some repetition. If its too much its of course bad but I won't buy another 6hour game like Heavenly Sword for more than 20$.

#5. Thou shalt not force repetition on the player.

Sounds like a good idea. But not using some repetition will often result in ridiculously short games. I would have accepted some repetition in Uncharted for example.

So in a perfect world the rules 5+6 would be good AND the games would be 20h long. But as often there is a trade off.