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Dallinor said:
starcraft said:

Of course, everything I said is dependant on this rumour being true, and even then is only my opinion.

Microsoft will never beat Sony in the EU this generation, but that is not their goal. Their goal is to stay within reach of Sony, and be competitively placed for the next generation. The last MGS only sold 2 million in the EU on a FAR larger userbase. This game alone will not save Sony in Europe, or give it an unassailable second place.

As for the USA? MGS sells even less there. And it is silly to believe Sony beating MS in America is a forgone conclusion.


That might be their current goal given their current sales position. However it's ridiculous to believe that Microsoft actually set out at the start of this gen to come last in hardware sales.

Like any business (especially a company like Microsoft) they set out to win. They have failed miserably to do so, but they can point to a few things they have managed to achieve in this gen, better brand recognition, stronger WW sales etc.

360 fans seem to use this notion as an excuse for faltering 360 sales "Oh microsoft never wanted to win, they're just doing exactly what they planned by coming in third" or "it's all about next gen".

I didn't say it was their goal at the beginning of the generation did I?

Certainly it is unlikely Microsoft said to themselves "I hope we come second in Europe," at the beginning of the cycle.  But there is a difference between a lofty aim and a realistic goal.  I suspect they thought they'd do better than they are, but they wouldn't reasonably believed they'd win Europe this generation.

Nonetheless, I said it was their goal to stay close to Sony to be in a strong postion next generation NOW, not then.  In fact, it was about six months ago that they came out and said "Europe is a big battleground we are going to push in," apparently after they realized that both they and Sony were going to be schooled in Japan. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS