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Yooka said:

It has Prime in its name, so it's part of the Prime series. Yet it has nothing in common with it. So where is Metroid Prime, Dark Samus or phazon in this game? How else can it be called Metroid Prime? Are there even metroids in this game?

I have watched the gameplay where they trapped those ice creatures, it was cringeworthy. No strafing to be found. 3DS doesn't have dual analogue sticks, GC has, and yes I used them to look around.

Prime series, not Prime Trilogy. You know what else is part of the Prime series?

Doesn't need the Metroid Prime. Doesn't need Phazon. Doesn't need Dark Samus. You know what had none of that?

Point made.

You're either lying, or blind. There clearly was strafing being done.

Actually, you must be lying. The director clearly mentions that the only reason this game exists was because the N3DS has a second analog input. The players clearly refer to the fact that now they can aim with the second analog stick and fine tune their aim while locked on, something that was only present in Prime 3 when they added the Wiimote. The GCN Prime games weren't twin stick shooters. You didn't aim in real time with the c-stick. You used it to switch beams.

So you're lying.