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plip.plop said:
enlightenedmaster said:

ROCKSTAR doesn't have allegiance to either company but they have big relationship to SONY and PS2 has a major part in ROCKSTAR's success.

GTA would be a Timed exclusive not a full exlcusive as it has always been,10-15million sales would easily be couped up a year later launch on XBONE and PC.


the way its going they would need to pay as low as $100 million or as high as $200-300million OR they would just put $200million for marketing GTA6 which they would as it is do even if it was multiplatform so its actually not charging them atall.SONY spent $100million for GTA5 marketing on its own not even a deal with ROCKSTAR and MICROSOFT spent $100million for GTA4 marketing.

thats chunk change for what it would do not just for PLAYSTAION as a brand but also SONY


and thats if they don't already have an exlcusive deal with ROCKSTAR

Rockstar would only sell either one DLC, timed exclusive? Hell no When you make a game that sells on any system it is put on, You hold all the cards. 

but game companies need not been arrogant as EA,Activision,SONY,Nintendo,Microsoft,TAKE-TWO,THQ,UBISOFT all know they need connections and support as they have fallen big time from their top position

Even ROCKSTAR can't just depend on just GTA as gaming landscape and genre change fast and they need good relations to launch other games

Don't believe me? Look at Call of Duty. The amount of money needed to hold a game off another console (temporarily) that has an user base that also buys the hell out of that game would be too high for either company.

no it wouldn't be.Call of DUTY is a kids shooter game,they have absolutely no loyalty and fluctuate and X360 is big in NA and PS3 is big in EUROPE so they needed both consoles.if it was just NA,microsoft could have easily bought off acitvision exlcusivity and ACTIVISION is a much much different company from TAKE-TWO and ROCKSTAR,ACTIVISION has STARCRAFT,CALL OF DUTY,DIABLO,WARCRAFT,GUITAR HERO,DESTINY and was owned by a conglomerate Vivendi which are known for multiplatform game.Compare that with TAKE-TWO,owner of ROCKSTAR GAMES and their only major and proven franchise is GTA.

Besides why waste that money locking up timed exclusivity, when you can fund new IP's, or does that scenario only apply to Sony's competitors..

LMAO.................waste money.the way you are saying the game is too big and then you say waste money on that game

even DLC,Marketing and Bundle exclusivity for GTA would do grand things for PS4 or XBONE and a TIMED exclusivity of one year would make that platform the main gaming destination and put the generation handility in that platform's hand