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I don't see how you came up to the conclusion that the game is coming to NX from that article, there was no sign whatsoever of that happening but ok...

All these games coming to PC may be a result of how exclusivity contracts are handled.For a game to be exclusive you certainly have to make up for the money lost from the sales of other platforms, PC and consoles are not rivaling platforms.Console only gamers are not going to suddenly build a gaming PC, be it so for the convenience of consoles, or lack of techincal knowledge to build and mantain one.Console gamers play on consoles and not PC because that'ts what they like to play on, simple as that, same goes for PC gamers, both platforms are not in direct competition at all.That is the reason of why when making a contract SONY has opted to not pay for the lost sales of PC since that platform is not their competition, and is probably the same reason of why the original FFVII came to PC as well.

I also don't see how this is damaging to console gaming, if anything is beneficial to the PC gaming scene which just recently became healthy again after years of struggling.