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FF VII Remake (first on PS4, whatever that means) is the biggest gigaton in all E3 history. Knowing the FF teams times "timed exclusive" may mean that the other platform(s) will wait forever to get it ported.

The Last Guardian finally officially announced has shut up for good all those blatant mouths giving the game for death, like the ones at IGN.

Shenmue 3 now that it reached its kickstarter goal has Sony backing it up. 

Plus Horizon alpha preview looks already way better than the Witcher 3 and if Sony had to show all games coming in 2015 the conference would have last 3 hours.


What did MS show? Mostly games that we kept hearing about the whole year, and Quantum Break wasn't even there (vaporware?). A couple of new games, an over expensive controller and a very limited backward compatibiliy which will need to build its own library. Also about the b/c.. look how good it did to the Wii U. Or to the phat PS3 when it launched...