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Sqrl said:
ssj12 said:
this list is the crappiest thing Ihave ever read, lol. I dont agree with a single one.

Soo.....your take on this is as follows?

#7 Thou shalt let us play your game with real-life friends.
- You dislike playing with freinds/family IRL

#6 Thou shalt not pad the length of your games.
- Like games being padded for length with huge stretches of land between objectives
- Enjoy mandatory fetch quests

#5 Thou shalt not force repetition on the player.
- You don't mind having to replay levels due to limited save points.
- Like being forced to watch cutscenes repeatedly.
- Have no problems with instant failure quicktime events.

#4 Thou shalt make killing fun.
- Like starting with a bullshit weapon.
- Enjoy killing tiny rodent enemies.
- Don't mind attacks that have no visible effect.
- Don't notice/mind games Filled with hordes of cookie-cutter bad guys.

#3 Thou shalt admit when enough is enough.
- You like escort missions.
- No problems with CPU-controlled squad teammates.
- Enjoy First-person jumping puzzles.
- Don't think that WW2 games and grizzled space marines are getting old

#2 Thou shalt make sure your game actually works.
- No problem with devs who port games after about five minutes of beta testing.
- Don't mind games Released on a console that can't really run it.
- Aren't bothered by load times.

#1 Better graphics do not equal innovation and/or creativity.
- Don't think games need to hire real writers
- Don't mind if devs don't put time into the endings
- And believe graphics make a game great.

#7-if multiplayer it should have local

#6- agreed

#5- unless its purposely designed for that because of difficulty and difficulty alone (and not artificial.  Im looking at you gh3), then repetition is almost always bad ifnot a natural choice.

#4-yes, yes, yes, yes

#3-yes, if they die and you lose then yes, yes, yes

#2-if they don't all agree with this then they should be killed under the weight of a billion tossed game disks.

#1-writers=good, but writing for games is not the same as other things.  endings are nice. 

graphics matter.  don't bs urself.  playing gears without the graphics is not the same.   shadow of the collossus used graphics extremely well.  okami, stunning graphics.  chrono trigger, ff9, ffx.  the list goes on.  if used well, then any dev can make a great looking game even though it doesn't look stunning from a technical stand point.  more processing power just gives more freedom (and a higher budget).

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.