sales2099 said:
Lists don't do anything. They lack context because not every point is the same as another. This ain't communism pal ;) Seems Sony's list is being simplified to FF7, TLG, and Shenmue 3. I am saying that FF7 is coming to Xbox One eventually, saying a near cancelled game, is in fact, not cancelled, shouldn't count as a big announcement. And Shenmue 3 is great and all, but you have to wait 3 years to play it.....kinda premature IMO. Thats my point, while MS did an all around job of remakes, old games, BC, heavy hitter IPs, new Ip,s indies, while not neglecting 2015. We ain't getting any younger ;) |
The thing your missing is that E3 is 100% emotional. E3 is all about the future over a console and getting people excited for what's ahead. That's why announcements for things like FF7 or TR matter. In fact, the announcement matters more than the timed exclusivity itself when talking about E3. Take the Fallout 4 mod announcement for example, the PC mods are coming to PS4. So it's really no big deal that they're coming to Xbox One, but because the announcement was made on the Xbox stage, it made their show better. It would have been better still had it actually been exclusive, but it still helps.
TLG is a game that most thought was never going to happen. The reason them showing a gameplay trailer was so huge, was because we know now it still is infact going to happen, and we know it's coming next year.
Shenmue 3 is huge also because nobody thought it was going to happen, and it's a game a lot of diehard fans wanted. It doesn't matter that it's likely a late 2017 game, it went from not going to happen, to going to happen, on the Sony E3 stage.
Simply showing more footage of things everybody already knows about doesn't do much to rile up the fanbase and therefore, doesn't make for a very good show.
Also, Sony has plenty of games for this holiday. How is 2016 looking for MS?
Bet with Adamblaziken:
I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.