The_BlackHeart__ said: Microsoft used the conference as a reminder of things we already knew. Do you really got surprised when Forza, Halo or Gears were announced? Sony captured the spirit of E3. What Microsoft did could have done any other day of the year. |
Yet Uncharted 4 is seemingly a big part of Sonys conference, which we allready knew about.
Sure MS did the trifecta Halo, Gears, Forza. But we got two new IPs, a 30 game for $30 Rare collection, and did what we all thought wasn't going to happen: backwards compatibility.
The biggest points from Sony IMO are a TIMED exclusive FF7 remake, and repackaged a 2009 announcement for 2015 with The Last Guardian. They merely confirmed the game still exists, while leaving the rest of 2015 in the hands of 3rd party deals. Please help me understand why Sony won over MS.