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Yes, and no-one is happy about it.

I can't believe they delayed a real Zelda for this crap. Four Swords is a terrible game with a terrible concept that didn't deserve to be a canon Zelda game, and just for shits and giggles they decide to do that again. Just because they can, while no-one asked for it. If anything this prooves Aonuma to be lying about the reason Zelda U got delayed, this had nothing to do with them wanting to implement new ideas apparently, no, Aonuma just wanted to waste time by d***ing around. I've defended him multiple times, but that's done. After how this gen is going, he must go.

I think I'm just going to take a hard look at my stack of older Zelda games to remind myself of the time when they actually held the name to a high esteem and made inspiring games.