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The Fury said:
Shadow1980 said:

1) Some tweaks to the Materia system are in order. The problem with Materia is that it make every player character a combination fighter/black mage/white mage. With an entire roster of functionally interchangeable PCs, it makes most of the cast largely superfluous from a gameplay standpoint. I was able to play through most of the game with the trio of Cloud, Tifa, and Barrett. I rarely used any of the rest unless it was forced on me, and that's because there was no need to rotate other characters out of the active party. There needs to be some changes in who can use what kind of Materia, how powerful any given Materia is in their possession, etc. Some characters should have an overall specialty, whether that be primarily physical attacks, or white magic, or black magic, or summons, with Materia used to enhance their overall role.

2) The ending. That damn cliffhanger was the most disappointing thing about FFVII. It took us eight years to finally find out what happened after the climax. Until Advent Children came out we had no idea what happened to everyone (except Red XIII, who we saw in the post-credits scene) once the screen flashed white and the credits began to roll. A more proper epilogue is definitely in order now.

1) So? See also FF6, FF8, FF12 etc. This is nothing new.

2) What cliff hanger? Ending was there to see they mentioned it in the story. Advent Children ruined that. The Holy magic was summoned to help the planet survive, that didn't just mean the meteor, Holy magic was also used to wipe out the humans who were destroying the planet make coverting the lifestream into energy. Who was left in the very very end cutscene 500 years later? Red 13 plus his kids viewing a crumbling Midgar because now humans existed anymore. Advert Children and any 'sequel' ruined that ending. How could you not see that? I did, I was 13.


On subject, he'd better not change anything with the story... infact, no, don't change anything. Graphical upgrade only. I mean even with voices, I am going to love the Market scene of Cloud dressing up, if they remove that because it doesn't fit modern gaming, then it'll lose a huge part of it's charm.

The ending of FF VII was special because it let you come to your own conclusion, based on your own interpretation.

I wish Advent Children and the other sequels were not canon and just "what ifs" because of that.