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Sony really needs to start taking these delays seriously. They sold consumers on the promise of future potential. They then sold consumers last year on this years game lineup. They need to start thinking about what jaded consumers are going to do and say. That is a recipe for disaster. Changing your mind about lineups after you have sold consumers on them is not acceptable. Over promising for short term gain is not going to win you friends.

This game being delayed into next year would be very bad. Earlier this year most honest posters would have said Sony had the lineup to beat. Sony could very easily go from first to worst. The delays are going to start taking their toll on the platform especially if gamers become even more jaded about the consoles prospects. Worse yet the delays of multiple platform titles are not doing Sony any favors with their smaller library.

A lot of posters flaunt the dictum that a bad game is bad forever and a delayed game is eventually good. However a delayed lineup no matter how good the games are is equally bad. Consistency of delivery matters to consumers. Hell it has always mattered. Nobody likes famines, and nobody likes to pay more for a console to get the lesser lineup experience.

I sincerely hope this source is wrong for the PS3 owners on these forums. Were the delays good for the console last year? They most certainly were not, and they are no better this year. The console already has a bad moniker in the Delaystation. The console does not need the stigma amplified by having another large title slip beyond the proverbial horizon. Too many owners have already spent a year chasing the sunset.