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L.C.E.C. said:
As far as I'm concerned, I'll stick with No More Heroes over GTA IV. I love artistic flare, over evolutionized (not revolutionized) gameplay.

GTA is an evolving series, unlike Zelda, which is an artistic and revolutionary series. GTA must constantly tack on features, while we only have about 2 Zelda games per console generation that focus on creativity, art, innovation, and story.

Zelda is classic. GTA is just a core game that will outshine itself and be outshined by others.

Not to mention, EA Still wants to buy Take-Two, so the "evolving" scheme would become more frequent and intentional (can you imagine GTA 2009?)


No More Heroes is about a 10 hour game, a little less or more depending on how much time you spend digging for cash, doing odd jobs, exploring, etc. It is not on the same level of scope as a GTA game.

That being said, I'm finishing NMH, and I've never felt compelled to finish a GTA game. The characters of NMH and even the environment of Santa Destroy are simply more entertaining to me personally, even if the game does seem written for a 13-16 year old audience.

GTAIII, Vice City and San Andreas all felt like I was doing chores after awhile. Ironically, your character in NMH actually does chores as a part of the game play, which I felt was more of a miss than hit. From a design perspective, it changes the pacing, allows for some humor and acts as a device to lead the player into assassination missions, but when you're cleaning graphitti off the walls of the city to earn cash as the 3rd ranked killer in the country, something is amiss. NME is a little too formulaic as you do the same tasks between every ranked match, which are very similar, due to the limited AI of the game engine. Ultimately, I found myself playing to get to the next sequence in the storyline to see who the next ranked killer would be and the related cut scenes.